A Therapeutic Framework

Life asks of us to let go again and agian. . .
continually transitioning from each breath, moment, experience, space, relationship, to another.

At any point as we move along our path and through these series of transitions,
we can become derailed and lose our way, feeling stuck yet somehow unearthed all at once.

Especially when our old seductive patterns of coping, rooted in our past,
promise but don’t always offer resolution.

And as we are required to continually let go, we also are gifted the opportunity
to begin anew again and again. . .we have the chance to press reset.

Yet, letting go into the new means we have to release
familiar patterns of managing that may feel comfortable like the only way we know how.

This is often experienced as loss and brings with it fear, discomfort, shame, pain. . .
feelings that are hard to bear.

Work, family, friendships, home, all aspects of our lives require travel through this cyclical pattern of transitions. . .from the mere movements of day to day experience to the larger thematic milestones of development and aging.

Considering we humans aren’t so comfortable with change, we often resist
and struggle to keep the old status quo whether it benefits us marginally or no longer works.

Trust is required to weather this change that our lives are asking of us,
all the while not knowing what is around the next corner.

We need courage and support to move forward in spite of the unknown.

Therapy helps us walk the walk. . . often in the best way possible.

Francesca Baslow therapist in Union Square NYC and Nyack NY

In Gestalt therapy, we begin
with awareness of what is true for us.

Then, as we peel the onion, we see whose truth that actually is.

Did we absorb our parents ‘way’ and does that feel right and to what degree?

Do we over-identify with someone else to feel safe in spite of ourselves?

Do we over-give even when we don’t have the bandwith to do so?

Are the best qualities, or negative parts of our Self expressed in our relationship?

Are we managing stressors in our lives with excessive use of alcohol, substances, food, isolation, sex, spending?

We know we are stuck, and unhappy. And surprisingly this is a gift, albeit uncomfortable. You are en route to freedom and personal choice. . . .exhale.

Therapeutic process can be rich and healing when we slow down and come into ourselves in a different way. . .when we move out of our thoughts and the historical stories we tell ourselves of who we are and what we are capable of.

These scripts replay in our minds and we find ourselves looking to the environment to make these stories true. We attach onto clues that validate our experience of the past as we fear it is all we know of ourselves.  We get stuck without the possibility of change, of being in our lives differently.  So how do we rewrite our stories when these patterns seem relentless?  Join me and be supported to drop down into your experience of your feelings, your body, your breath, and ultimately your fuller self.

This is Gestalt Therapy. . .

working with the entire you, with all of your potential, as well as your deep hurts and self doubts, your uniqueness and creativity, your fear and your joy, toward equilibrium that is your natural state of being.